Krieanna Reni, is a mother who has walked some distances to fetch water in the village of Lanvitvit, Aulua area South east of Malekula.
Ms Reni is a class 6 leaver and has children who she claimed were her great help in the daily chores she carried out as a mother.
“For a very long time now, we used to walk for less than half an hour to the big river to catch water in our containers and walk back to the village,” she said.
Reni reiterated that it was mostly mothers and children involved in the daily activity of fetching water from the big river.
“The water we use for cooking and swimming and we used to do our laundry at the river, dry them out in the sun and then carry back them when they are dried,” she said.
“Every day you see mothers and children with jerry cans and containers transporting water to the houses, it is seldom you see fathers helping out.”
With the new water system built by the French Red Cross and Vanuatu Red Cross Society, funded by USAID, Reni and her children are now smiling as they will access water from their doorstep.
“I am so happy because my children and i will not be walking a long distance for water anymore but turning on the tap from home whenever we want to,” she said.
“Now our children will kept clean, they will not thirst anymore and water is readily available for us as mothers to prepare our meals, wash our clothes and keep our children clean and healthy.
“We also want to thank God for providing our need through the donors who have collaborated in this project.”
Ms Reni and other mothers of Lanvitvit village can now access water at walking distance from their homes.
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