Author: admin
One Tribe – One Business Entity for Economic and Business activities
Whereas the Customary Business Entity is established to carry out daily business activities within the tribal customary boundaries and among members of the tribe.
One Tribe – One NGO for Legal and Socio-Cultural Affaris
Confederacy of Clans Foundation of the Tribe The Constitution of the Tribe stipules all things about the tribe, therefore, a Clans Confederacy Foundation and a Customary Business Entity are instituted and formally established in order to help protect members of the tribe legally, socially, culturally and economically. Whereas the Customary Business Entity is established to…
Culture: Codified Customary Laws
Culture: Codified Customary Laws Customary laws are codified, legalized and formalized Laws and Lores of Nature, as understood, lived and regarded useful by the clans. Codified Customary Laws become the Constitution for clans within the tribe to organise modern social, cultural and economic activities within modern modern-state legal framework.
The Law of Nature 2: We are Nature
The secondly deadly sin of modernisation and modern mind is “separating nature from human” and therefore, treating nature as “resources”. The lores of nature in Melanesia says “We are, therefore, I am“: (1) Relationships among all communities of beings is the primary rule; (2) Inter-dependence of all individually and collectively; (3) organised according to the…
Hello world! Hello Spirit! Hello People!
Welcome to WordPress. This is We ARE Melanesia! website, following the following slogan proposed by the Melanesian Spirit and Nature Inc. (henceforth mSN) based in Port Moresby, the Independent State of Papua New Guinea. “SPIRIT is Here! NATURE is Here! HERE we are! . We humbly surrender to this truth and declare: WE…
Storylines and Spirit Hotspots
Families or clans adopt or become responsible for certain areas, plants, animals, objects, scapes, names, stories, events. By Adopting a Hotspot, we are declaring globally that a network of individuals or groups are friends and therefore custodians of certain hotspots. Conservation work is not only for Melanesian individuals and groups in isolation, but it becomes…
Five Public Sector Trends in Ecosystem Services
Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature.