We ARE Nature

We are nature means our environmental work is a life-saving work that we value as highly esteemed deed. It is not done out of passion or love for nature, but as the way we humans submit ourselves to the reality that we need and we aught to allow the laws of nature to reign in our lives, starting with respecting and protecting the rights of spirits to be and to function..

This blog is a 

1.  an expression of “spirit”;

2. an effort of to participate and contribute to the world conservation efforts

3. an offering to our global humanity of our Melanesian wisdom as our human inherited wisdom to be used for wellbeing and harmony of life.

This blog is a 

1.  an expression of “spirit”;

2. an effort of to participate and contribute to the world conservation efforts

3. an offering to our global humanity of our Melanesian wisdom as our human inherited wisdom to be used for wellbeing and harmony of life.

Human community have a clear knowledge and understanding pertaining to human beings in relation to own self and other communities of beings as the nature: one, inter-connected and inter-dependent. 

Human beings understand that almost all problems that we face today are caused by human own paradigm and mindset of separation of human beings from other beings, and denial of human beings from the nature itself. 

Our work is focused on conserving the spiritual capitals and/ or sacred (beliefs, rituals, objects, sites).that have contribution to and sustain life and afterlife.

We, are the Nature or “TheNature.Us” envisions a world in which all communities of beings live based  human acknowledgement and respect of other communities of beings as fellow human beings, and of human beings as part of the communities of beings that form the “nature”.   

We are natural beings, we are one of the natural communities of beings, who partly form and live according to the jurisprudence of the nature . 

Following the laws of the nature is our human natural way of life, because otherwise the nature maintains her laws. 

That is why modern human beings today need to re-learn to obey these laws in order to leave this planet earth a habitable planet and in order to have sustainable living today. 

When human beings break the law of the nature, then the nature automatically and organically upholds the supremacy of the laws of the natural by “checking” and “balancing” the interrelations and interconnections among the communities  beings. 

Telling stories about our being: origin, present and future is the way to explain our lives are part of the overall nature, inter-connected, inter-dependent and inseparable.

Celebrating life is another way of telling stories. We celebrate life through songs, dance and music, and when they are combined anyone can feel it, and see the stories.

We are not talking about anthropocentric human culture, but about holistic human stories.

This blog is primarily my, Wewo Kotokay, personal passion that I want to explain to my Melanesian brothers and sisters, Melanesian elders and leaders across the Melanesian archipelago.

We are here to preach the Gospel of Melanesia:
“Happy Birth, Live Well, Love Well, Have Something Good for Every Person, and Die a Happy Death!” 
Wewo Kotokay – Bernard Narakobi
We are here to preach the Good News of Melanesia: 
Celebrate Birth, Live Well, Love Well, Have Something Good for Every Person, and Die a Happy Death! 

Wewo Kotokay – Bernard Narokobi