Year: 2020

  • 40% of world’s plant species at risk of extinction

    Race against time to save plants and fungi that underpin life on Earth, global data shows Damian Carrington Environment editor @dpcarrington Two in five of the world’s plant species are at risk of extinction as a result of the destruction of the natural world, according to an international report. Plants and fungi underpin life on Earth,…

  • Bernard Narokobi – leader, legislator, poet

    Bernard Narokobi – leader, legislator, poet

    GREGORY BABLIS PORT MORESBY – In 1995 when Bernard Narokobi was Papua New Guinea’s minister for agriculture, he, Bart Philemon and Jerry Nalau voted against prime minister Julius Chan’s proposed bill for an organic law on provincial and local level governments. Given the ongoing conflict in Bougainville in its violent bid for secession, the three…

  • Pandemics result from destruction of nature, say UN and WHO

    Experts call for legislation and trade deals worldwide to encourage green recovery Damian Carrington Environment editor @dpcarrington Pandemics such as coronavirus are the result of humanity’s destruction of nature, according to leaders at the UN, WHO and WWF International, and the world has been ignoring this stark reality for decades. The illegal and unsustainable wildlife trade…

  • Forest Policies and Indigenous Peoples’ Traditional Knowledge and Practices on Sustainable Forest Management

    Indigenous peoples and forests are mutually constitutive. Certain natural forests have been developed as part of indigenous peoples’ territories. Previous studies show evidence of a long history of forest resource management by indigenous peoples globally (de Chavez, 2013; Poffenberger, 2000; Davis and Wali, 1994). Forests are essential for indigenous peoples’ survival as these pave the…

  • Indigenous peoples key to saving threatened forests

    by Patrick Galey More than a third of the world’s vanishing pristine forests are managed by indigenous peoples under threat from development and deforestation, scientists said Tuesday, calling for greater protection. As deadly bushfires ravage Australia’s east coast, a new assessment of how wild forests are maintained showed that indigenous people have tenure over 36 percent of…