Average westerner’s eating habits lead to loss of four trees every year
Damian Carrington Environment editor, @dpcarrington, The Guardian The average western consumer of coffee, chocolate, beef, palm oil and other commodities is responsible for the felling

What does COVID-19 have to do with nature? These 5 articles explain
By Kiley Price, This post was updated May 19, 2020., https://www.conservation.org/ Editor’s note: The COVID-19 pandemic has spread around the world at lightning speed, infecting more than
Desakan larangan penambangan laut dalam global di Pasifik semakin lantang
Suva, Jubi – Desakan masyarakat sipil di seluruh kawasan Kepulauan Pasifik agar ada larangan global atas aktivitas penambangan laut dalam telah diluncurkan. Aliansi itu, The
Perlindungan benda dan situs budaya di Papua butuh payung hukum
Jayapura, Jubi – Kepala Sub Bagian Tata Usaha Unit Pelaksana Teknis Museum Loka Budaya Universitas Cenderawasih, Soleman Soendemi mengatakan pemerintah daerah harus mempunyai program dan
Cities worldwide dim lights to mark Earth Hour
Cities around the world were turning off their lights Saturday for Earth Hour, with this year’s event highlighting the link between the destruction of nature
New report shows Indigenous and Tribal Peoples ‘best guardians’ of forests
25 March 2021, Santiago, Chile/Rome – Deforestation rates are significantly lower in Indigenous and Tribal territories where governments have formally recognized collective land rights, according
Diving Indigenous People Land Rights Significantly Reduces Deforestation, says UN Report
Land rights for Indigenous and Tribal groups help lower deforestation rates, reduce biodiversity loss and avoid CO2 emissions, according to a new UN report. In
Indigenous peoples by far the best guardians of forests – UN report
The embattled indigenous peoples of Latin America are by far the best guardians of the regions’ forests, according to a UN report, with deforestation rates
Indigenous peoples by far the best guardians of forests – UN report
Damian Carrington Environment editor @dpcarrington Preserving Latin America’s forests is vital to fight the climate crisis and deforestation is lower in indigenous territories The embattled indigenous